Church in a Shopping Centre
What better positioning for a church than right in the middle of a leisure shopping complex. Christchurch planted a church into Xscape Yorkshire leisure complex over 10 years ago and as well as doing church services in their unit, they have a cafe as their welcome.
We've been to capture what they've been up to.
What really stands out as we have got to know the leaders better, is their desire to make it easy for people to walk in by focusing on high quality setting and lighting, backed up
26th Jan 2022
Who's making the coffee?
Let’s be honest, anyone can pour a coffee! I don’t know about you, but I’ve had varied experiences in hospitality. These are the three versions I tend to bracket them in:The flapper. This staff member at the cafe is clearly a hard worker and keen to do their job well, but wow they seem to be going 100 mph and getting no-where fast. The till won’t work for him, the tap is still running, they knocked the coffee and it’s in the saucer, now the spoon is on the floor! I feel sorry for him so say I do
25th Jan 2022
How important is the atmosphere?
The first impression, the first 30 seconds. We’ve all no doubt heard various opinions and even research on how this goes. When you meet a new person, you naturally judge them immediately. This is not necessarily negative judgment, just a human response to your brain asking questions like, ‘do I like you, do you like me?’ They say we take about 30 seconds to form a fairly solid opinion, then the future relationship can unpick and change some of this formed idea.When it’s meeting a person, we tend
25th Jan 2022